There’s also a Wiki where players are gathering information to make a comprehensive reference on how CK2 works. If you’re interested in talking CK2, you should definitely create an account and join the discussion there. The community that posts there is thoughtful, respectful, and really, really smart. There’s lots of people who have delved far more deeply into the game’s mechanics than I ever have, and you can find them all in one place: the indispensable Paradox forums. Next, I’m hardly one of the world’s foremost experts on CK2. First, the tips below all assume you’re playing a Christian king Sword of Islam allows you to play as a Muslim, and introduces some new mechanics for Muslim characters, but that’s a subject for another post. I should preface this with a couple of notes. So, here’s a post that will do just that.
Those posts led to a discussion on Facebook asking me to expand on them a bit, by taking them down to a more concrete level: strategies for how to play them and win. I’ve written in this space before about how impressed I’ve been with the latest strategy game from Paradox Interactive, Crusader Kings II, and its first expansion, Sword of Islam. How to crusade like a king in Crusader Kings II